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Regenerative Economics


The Interface Between the Need of the World and Soul Consciousness I was lucky enough to be at a conference on the weekend that included a conference video with economics iconoclast Hazel Henderson, author of several books including Ethical Markets: Growing The Green Economy. Her work relates to the creation of an interdisciplinary economic and political theory with a focus on environmental and social concerns. You can find several articles in this vein on her website, on this subject.

One way of defining regenerative economics is a change from quantitative to qualitative  growth, which is a move from destructive growth to restorative growth in our economies. But it is not limited to that. Another consideration that I heard Hazel say was the need for a finance that is at the service of human development that also supports the evolution of all life on earth. In her view, it actually starts with science: there is an almost immeasurable source of energy in photons from the sun, and we need new technologies based on this. She sees us as entering The Age of Light, which as well as technologies , she hopes will also be the Age of Enlightenment.  She said “what is required is awareness of the condition: we need consciousness as human beings are  are coming to graduation on planet earth”. What I understood from this is that we are in deep agreement that what is happening on earth is really a movement of consciousness. This what I said in my book Money•Spirituality•Consciousness regarding investing:

In earlier chapters, we discussed the

dual nature of humanity—the vertical dimension of our spiritual depth and Beingness and the horizontal movement into manifestation, what we bring into the world. These two aspects, when in balance, make us fully human and whole. When we apply that principle of balance and wholeness to our investment practices, we see that whatever we invest in is how we are contributing to the world—it is actually who we are in the world.

For many, this may be a new lens through which they look at investment. It is a necessary one. What it calls forth from us is total responsibility for our choices. Ultimately, we all must be our own financial counselors and take responsibility for ourselves and our assets. Once we wake up to this responsibility, we recognize that whether we take on this task and begin to become personally involved in our investments or choose to turn a blind eye to what we invest in, we are still responsible for the outcomes all across the board. This may seem harsh. But we are in harsh times, and confronting ourselves is part of what is needed.

What this means is that we have to bring ethics into our economy. When we align ourselves with truth, we naturally have an ethical response to the situations and circumstances in our lives. Ethical responses are in alignment with Being, and thus with truth. So the more we live our lives in an impeccably truthful way, the more we will be able to integrate Being, true nature, into our lives. When we align our actions with what what we know to be true, that is impeccability, and will result in right action. When we bring ethics and impeccability into our money, what that  means is into the investing choices that we make.

Many people are beginning to understand that investing in the real economy (not the $600 trillion derivatives financial economy that is at the center of our current economics), but rather companies that are contributing something tangible to the world as well as in companies that consider the triple bottom line of profit, plant and people, or what Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari Inc. suggests, total economic return, companies that don’t externalize a majority of their real costs and provide for a return, not just for the investor, but every party along the way including the community and the environment. There are many who believe that investing in activities that are sustainable is the only hope for the planet. Yes, it will mean a lower rate of return on investment, but the measure of cost would be real, and as human beings we have to have a purpose greater than profit.

Hazel Henderson is calling for Ethics and Biomimicry.  To me, that is calling for consciousness and right action with our money.We are not serious on our spiritual path if we are not also responding to the needs of the world.

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